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Filing a Claim After a Distracted Driving Auto Accident in California

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), defines distracted driving as any activity that diverts a driver’s attention from the road. Distracted driving can be caused by using a cell phone, eating, changing radio stations, or talking with other passengers while driving. The CDC reports that distracted driving poses a huge risk for drivers on the road. According to data published by the agency, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in traffic accidents involving distracted driving in 2018. An additional 400,000 people sustained non-fatal injuries. Distracted driving is a serious problem that affects all those who share the road. The...

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Car Accident Fatalities Skyrocket During the Pandemic

Preliminary data from the National Safety Council indicates that although Americans are driving less as a result of the pandemic, the emptier roads have become more lethal. The Council has reported that when compared to data from last year, there has been a 14% increase in fatality rates per miles driven. While there is less driving during the pandemic, the number of fatalities in car accidents have increased. Lorraine M. Martin, National Safety Council president and CEO states that as traffic lanes have opened during the pandemic, many drivers equate this to an open season for reckless driving. The National Safety Council...

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What To Do If A Driver Hits You While Texting and Driving

In the State of California, a distracted driver who has caused an auto accident can be held liable for the injuries and damages caused. In California’s fast-paced world, it is common to see drivers using their phones while driving, despite the fact that this is against the law. If a driver using a cellphone while driving has struck you, there are a few actions you should consider taking immediately after the incident. Taking proactive measures will help to protect your rights and will also help you in the event that the case becomes complicated in the future. Furthermore, it is always...

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