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File an Injury Claim After a Dog Bite Attack

File an Injury Claim After a Dog Bite Attack

If you were bitten and injured by a dog, you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim against the animal’s owner. Dog bite injuries are serious, not only because of the physical pain inflicted by the attack, but also because of the long-lasting repercussions of an attack. Dog bites often lead to physical and emotional scarring, and a full recovery can be difficult to achieve. With the support of a qualified dog bite injury attorney, you may be able to recover the compensation you deserve. With over 50 years of combined legal experience, the Knez Law Group, LLP can represent your case.

The Knez Law Group, LLP has a reputation for successful personal injury cases, including challenging dog bite cases. The firm offers proficient legal representation to those who have been injured by dogs and they handle complex cases that involve catastrophic injury. Despite the circumstances surrounding your case, consider obtaining the support of the Knez Law Group, LLP. A free initial consultation can be obtained by contacting the firm today.

Strict Liability and Dog Bite Injury Cases in California

In the State of California, dog bite injury may be based on strict liability. This means that even if the dog owner did not have prior knowledge of their dog’s dangerous propensities, the owner of the dog may face financial responsibility for the damages.

Based on Civil Code §3342, however, dog owners will not face liability if the injured person was trespassing at the time of the attack. Additionally, the injured person will not have legal grounds to file the claim if he or she was taunting or provoking the animal prior to the attack.

Many states follow the “one bite law”, meaning dog owners are exempt from liability when their pets never showed signs of aggression prior to the attack. In California, however, the law permits injured victims to pursue a claim whether or not the animal is considered aggressive or dangerous.

Dog Attack Injury Cases Based on Negligence

California’s strict liability law only applies when the injured person sustained his or her injuries as a result of a dog bite. When a person is injured solely as a result of a dog attack, the opportunity to file an injury claim exists under the doctrine of negligence. Dog attack cases filed under the theory of negligence can also be filed against other at-fault parties, not necessarily just dog owners.

To successfully prove a case against other parties for the injuries sustained from the animal attack, it is necessary to demonstrate that the at-fault party was negligent in some form. For instance, the at-fault party failed to exercise reasonable care for the safety of others.

A common example of this may be a landlord, who was aware of the presence of a dangerous dog in the property building and failed to remove the dangerous dog from the property. For example, when a tenant suffers a serious injury by the dog, the landlord may face liability for his or her negligence.

Obtain the Compensation You Deserve with the Support of a Dog Bite Injury Attorney

In California, state law offers legal recourse to those who have been injured as a result of a dog bite. Whether or not you sustained injuries from a dog bite, you may be able to obtain compensation for your injuries, including medical costs, treatment, and loss of income. Recover maximum compensation by discussing your case with a well-versed dog bite injury attorney today.

With more than 50 years of collective experience, the Knez Law Group, LLP has championed on behalf of those injured as a result of a dog bite or attack. Injuries caused by an unruly dog can lead to a lifetime of hardship, including emotional scarring and disability. After an attack, it is imperative that you obtain the highest compensation available so that you can begin healing. Consider obtaining a no-obligation consultation by contacting the Knez Law Group, LLP today.