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Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accidents Caused By Driver Inattention

In the State of California and the rest of the nation for that matter, distracted driving is a major concern. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that about 85 percent of all traffic accidents involve at least one distracted driver. Driving while distracted is not only dangerous to the inattentive driver, but it is also a serious danger to those they share the road with. Unfortunately, motorcycle riders are particularly vulnerable when it comes to distracted driving. If you were recently struck by a distracted driver while riding your motorcycle, obtain the support of a proficient personal injury lawyer...

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California Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Malfunctions

Motorcyclists are at a higher risk of suffering catastrophic injuries when in a traffic accident than a person in a car because they do not have nearly as much protection. When a motorcyclist is involved in an accident, the accident will typically result in costly medical expenses, the inability to return to work, along with emotional distress and physical discomfort. Fortunately, the state’s personal injury laws allow victims the ability to seek monetary compensation for their losses from the party who caused the accident. If you were recently hurt in an accident, discuss your case with an experienced motorcycle accident...

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What To Do in a Lane Splitting Motorcycle Accident

In California, lane splitting is codified under the California Vehicle Code §21658.1, and is legal. The law describes lane splitting as the means of operating a motorcycle between the rows of vehicles that are traveling in the same direction. While lane splitting can sometimes be beneficial for the rider, the act can cause serious accidents. If you or someone you know was lane splitting at the time of a collision, speaking to an established personal injury attorney can be beneficial. The Knez Law Group, LLP has the skills and resources necessary to efficiently and proficiently advocate on your behalf. The motorcycle...

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Proving Liability in a California Motorcycle Accident

Riding a motorcycle is inherently dangerous. Despite this, millions of Californians enjoy riding their bikes every day. Sadly, thousands of motorcyclists are injured each day in accidents that could have been prevented. Many of these accidents are caused by defective parts or defective motorcycle designs. When serious injuries or death is caused by defective motorcycles, the party responsible for the defect can be held liable for the victim’s damages. When injured in such an accident, contact the support of a well-versed personal injury attorney. The proficient attorneys at the Knez Law Group, LLP can provide you the representation you deserve.  Establishing...

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