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Child Custody

Important Factors That Can Determine Child Support in California

The divorce process in California is often a long and drawn out procedure. For a great majority of divorce cases, the most challenging and time-consuming aspect is that of child custody. Every divorce case that involves child custody is a unique case, but in many cases, children will be set with one particular parent for a majority of the time. Although the ultimate goal of a family court is to have the child spend an equal amount of time with each parent, the child will need to have one set schedule and attend one school. Having a routine is in...

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Mistakes That Can Hinder Your Child Custody Case

When going through a divorce, it can be challenging to handle the worry and stress associated with the process. In many cases, the legal aspects of the case can become complex, which can exasperate the personal issues between the former couple. When a case involves young children, this can complicate the case even further. If you are going through a divorce and have children, you should know that cases involving child custody are challenging, but there are actions you can commit outside of the legal process that can have serious ramifications. Moreover, certain actions can paint you in a negative light...

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Child Custody Modifications in California

Every parent will recognize that spending time with children is a precious gift. For this reason, child custody disputes cannot only be problematic, but they can also be costly and emotional. Many parents will fight for the child custody arrangement that they will personally prefer, even when court procedures are stressful and expensive for everyone involved. In order to navigate this emotional challenge, it is essential to obtain legal support with the right skills set and experience specifically related to custody modifications. If you are a parent who needs to protect a child custody arrangement or needs to modify an arrangement...

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Father’s Rights in the State of California and Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to child custody cases and divorce, many fathers will often fail to recognize that they have equal rights to the child, as do mothers. In a majority of cases, fathers will mistakenly assume this and will usually relinquish their rights early on during child support or custody hearings, often resulting in an unjust separation agreement. The following information will highlight frequent mistakes made by fathers during custody disputes as well as underline what the State of California has to say regarding father’s rights. Frequent Paternal Mistakes In the progression of a separation, divorce or child custody dispute, mistakes can...

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