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Can You Really Rely on “Divorce Apps” in California?

Can You Really Rely on “Divorce Apps” in California

These days, it seems like there is an app for everything. There is an app for waiting in line at a restaurant, an app for delivering food, and an app for helping you sleep at night. But should you really rely on a smartphone app to handle your divorce? Believe it or not, big tech is trying to convince spouses in California that they can handle their divorces effectively from their home computers or phones. As you will see, many of these apps have serious shortcomings. Robot Lawyer in California Almost Sends Founders to Jail In January of 2023, the founders of...

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What is a “Separation Date” in a California Divorce?

What is a “Separation Date” in a California Divorce

Most spouses assume that the only real date of importance in a divorce is the moment this legal process is finalized. But there is another date that is important, and this is your “separation date.” Although the separation date is not the same as the finalization of your divorce, it can have a real effect on your divorce. But why is this date so important, and how can it affect your divorce in California? For the most accurate answers based on your unique situation, it makes sense to get in touch with an experienced law firm such as Knez Law...

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How to Safely Divorce a Violent Spouse in California

How to Safely Divorce a Violent Spouse in California

In an ideal world, spouses would react to the news of a pending divorce in a calm, professional manner. Unfortunately, many spouses react in the exact opposite way – becoming highly emotional and sometimes violent. This situation can easily spiral out of control, causing hazards for not only spouses who want divorces but also their children and extended family members. The tragic truth is that some spouses are so afraid of their violent partners that they stay in dangerous marriages rather than pursue divorce. So, how can you deal with this situation in a safe, effective manner? Violence is Common for...

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Who Pays Students Loans After a Divorce in California?

Who Pays Students Loans After a Divorce in California

As of 2023, 43.5 million Americans owe more than $1.6 trillion in student loan debt. If you are going through a divorce in California, there is a good chance you are still paying off your student loans. But how is this debt handled in a divorce? Could you be required to help pay off your ex’s student loans – even after the marriage is over? Could your ex be liable to pay off your student loans? These questions are becoming increasingly common as student debt gets higher and higher in California. The Basics of Property Division in California  California is a community...

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